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The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)

ISTE / Chapter

  • The Staff Chapter and Students Chapter of Indian Society for Technical Education function in the campus
  • They provide opportunities for faculty as well as Students and also act as Stress …relieves
  • This organisation transform teaching and learning accelerate innovation and solve tough problems in education
  • Inspires educators worldwide to use technology to innovate teaching and learning accelerate good practice and solve tough problems in education



      The Indian Society for Technical Education is a national, professional, nonprofit making Society registered under the Societies Registration. Act of 1860. Association of Principals of Technical Institution (APTI) was transformed into “Indian Society for Technical Education” in 1968 with a view to broaden its activities to advance the cause of technical Education. 


       Use Technology to transform teaching and learning , accelerate innovation and solve the problems in education.


      Pursue and master tools for tech integration. Instruct teachers in the use of such tools. Prepare Students to be college – and career – ready.


      Thoughtful integration of technology into daily instruction. Inspires educators worldwide to use technology to innovate teaching and learning, accelerate good practice and solve tough problems in education.

      One of the major objectives of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organisations.

These are to:

  1. Formulate the general goals and responsibilities for technical education.
  2. Modify curriculum and educational processes to change conditions.
  3. Develop effective teachers and educational administrators. 
  4. Improve instructional methods and practices and administrative effectiveness.
  5. Enhance professional ideals and standards.
  6. Foster research as complementary to teaching.
  7. Cultivate fraternal spirit amongst the teachers, administrators, industrialists and professionals.
  8. Bring about effective linkage between technical institutions, industry and society; and
  9. Award honorary fellowships, Awards and Prizes for furthering the objectives of Technical Education.                   
