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Our Departments

Here at Pattukkottai Polytechnic College we never lose sight of the fact that our job is to make sure you know about all the opportunities that are out there.

We offer great courses and services for young people. We also offer courses for adults who may want to progress on to higher education, take up a hobby or interest or progress through their career. Under the regular three year Diploma Programme of technical education the following courses are offered.

Basic Engineering

Basic Engineering Department consist of wide class rooms and laboratories with fully equipped equipments.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance.

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the traditional fields of engineering which has equally played a vital role in the industrialisation.

Electrical & Electronics

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the largest and fastest growing fields. An electrical engineer is one of the high profile.

Mechatronics Engineering

It is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering that focuses on the integration of mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering systems.

Computer Engg (AI & Mobile)

It is an interdisciplinary field, plays an important role in virtually all fields inclusive of science, medicine, music, art, and communications.

Electronics & Communications

The course concept is to focus mainly on the communication part with the knowledge of the electronics field.