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Techno Club​

The dynamism of academic life spills out of the classrooms. It is a credit to the mental and intellectual focus of the students. There are several Workshops, Symposiums, Seminars and guest lecture events organized by the institution every year. The techno club provides the forum for interaction among themselves and the outside world events, however varied, it may be formal or informal, but brings out the passion in youngsters and develop their organizational skills. The clubs bring about a good balance of work, fun and leisure activities and ensure the all round development of students.


Techno club aims to develop the student’s academics and non-academic interest. It aims at building character and ethics in him/her. It encourages extra-curricular, outreach activities and a research environment.


Techno club caters to the holistic development of students, encouraging creativity, innovations and out-of-the-box thought processes. It ensures a promising and enjoyable experience for every student, participation in inter collegiate competitions and activities which refreshes them from the academic schedule.

Techno Clubs Comprises of

  • Workshops- CTDP
  • Internship Development Cell
  • Institution of Engineers (IE)
  • English Club