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SC/ST Cell

Click here to PDF – 2022

Click here to PDF – 2023


The SC/ST Cell, a statutory body has been constituted by the Ministry of Human Resource Management (MHRD), Government of India (GOI) in the erstwhile BEC to safeguard the interests of the SC/ST students and employees of the Institute as per the instructions of MHRD, GOI from time to time.

 The aim of the cell is to assist the students who belong to Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribe (ST), for supporting academic performance and financial benefits from the government. The cell is also focused on monitoring the strict implementation of reservation policy as per UGC guidelines.


  • To integrate and promote the students who belong to SC/ST community at par with the main stream student body.
  • To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and non academic matters.
  • To monitor the implementation of reservation policy in the institution.


  • To observe the reservation policy for SC/ST in the institution.
  • Committee, twice in a year, meets the students and faculties belong to SC/ST communities, to understand their problems and to assist them in resolving the problems.
  • To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal
    issues of college life effectively.
  •  To ensure provisions of an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
  •  To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any
    event at the campus.
  •  To provide the mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST students, if any
  •  To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
  •  To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth
  •  To aware the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships program of State Govt. and
  •  To take such follow up measures to achieve the objectives and targets laid down by the
    Govt. of India and the UGC


  • On receiving a complaint, the Committee shall commence a meeting within fifteen days of receipt of complaint.
  • The committee shall fix a date of hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the aggrieved person.
  • The aggrieved party may either appear in person or submit written averments of his/her case before the Committee.
  • The Committee shall report its findings to the Principal with recommendations if any, within a period of thirty days.


  • A well structured committee is framed every year for monitor the well functioning of the committee to fulfill the above objectives and responsibilities.
  • The following is the structure of the committee to be formed.

Roles and Responsibilities of Convener:

  • To frame a committee in accordance with the standard structure.
  • To conduct regular meetings of the committee, prepare the minutes of meeting and the documentation of the same.
  • To refer to the objectives and responsibility of the SC/ST/OBC committee and function accordingly.
  • To conduct activities/training for the community students.

Sl. no







Liaison Officer



Student Counsellor



Community representative



Community representatives
