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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is one of the traditional fields of engineering which has equally played a vital role in the industrialisation of the human race.
This department was established at PPC in 2003 with an intake of 60 with the demand in industries of diploma holders; the intake of this branch was increased from 60 to 120 in 2009. A branch of engineering concerned primarily with the industrial application of mechanics and with the production of tools, machinery, and their products.

 To develop globally competent Mechanical Engineering professionals with creativeness, innovativeness and entrepreneurship skills to develop out-of-   the-box thinking respond effectively to the needs of the industry.

M1: To provide a conducive environment to the students to hone up their technical skills by imparting quality education.

M2: To create excellent student centric and supportive environment in the department

M3: To bond strong relationship with industries to upgrade the knowledge of the students through exposure for cutting edge technologies.

M4: To conduct skill development programmes to mold them employable and as an entrepreneur.

PEO1:  The graduates of Mechanical Engineering will develop an attitude of lifelong learning for sustained career advancement and adapt to the changing multidisciplinary profession.

PEO2: The graduates of Mechanical Engineering will demonstrate managerial and leadership skills for career and starting up own firms.

PEO3: The graduates of Mechanical Engineering will develop cost effective and eco-friendly mechanical  components and systems needed for the industry and society.

PSO1: Design and Develop cost effective modern techniques, tools, devices to Provide solution for Problems in industries

PO1:Basic and Discipline specific knowledge:

                     Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering  problems.

PO2: Problem analysis:

                  Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods and interpret information gained to find solution.

PO3:  Design/ development of solutions:

                  Design Mechatronics systems for various applications     to meet specified needs.

PO4:. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing:

                Apply modern engineering tools/ computer   software and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment:

                  Apply the impact of the Mechatronics engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the  knowledge and need for sustainable development.

PO6:Project Management:

             Use engineering management principles effectively as an individual, and as a       member or leader in diverse teams to manage projects and effectively communicate , both in writing      and oral,  about well-defined engineering activities.

PO7. Life-long learning:

           Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of   technological changes

through self learning and life – long learning.

SAR 22-23

Department of Mechanical Engineering at PPC has experienced, well qualified and dedicated faculty. State of art laboratories and workshops form an integral part of the department. Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.

It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery. Mechanical engineering has all time demand and its spectrum grows with advances in other areas of technology.

Mechanical Engineering is closely related to the design and production of machines which further reduces human labour. We create well trained students in CNC milling & turning to fulfill the industrial needs. We are regularly conducting Innovative Projects to develop the student technical skills and the best model was identified and motivated.

Keeping such requirements in mind competent and experienced faculty of our mechanical department prepares the students by giving simple assignments, seminars, conducting tests, short term courses allowing extra industrial practice. By studying mechanical engineering the students may be enriched in the skills of problem solving, creativity, clear communication ability, collaboration, and mathematics.


  • Mechanical Engineers design and build solutions to arrange problems, improving efficiency across wide range industries. 
  • By studying mechanical engineering, we can look forward to good job prospects, high salaries and varied work.
  • Mechanical Engineering combines creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality.  


  • There is a huge scope of mechanical engineering in all kinds of manufacturing industries, aerospace engineering, automotive industries, government organisation, Public Welfare Departments and defence sector.

Future scope for Mechanical Engineering

  • Automobile sector
  • Railway coach factories 
  • Research and development fields 
  • Oil exploration sector.
  • Mechanical Engineering which focuses on data exchange and automation in manufacturing technologies and processes which include the IOT, Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, industrial internet of things.