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Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) - Sathish Kumar M

The Industry-Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) of the college is a dedicated cell to promote the close interaction of industry and various departments of the institute. The IIP Cell facilitates consultancy, sponsored R&D projects and industrial and academic training that are not prescribed in the syllabus in addition to conducting industrial exhibitions and interaction meets.

The initial focus of this cell was to closely interact with industries situated in and around Pondicherry, Tamilnadu State and later expand the efforts to move the partnership and activities across India and Abroad. 

Industries and Technical Institutions have a strong mutuality of interest which forms the basis of a partnership between them. This cell will enable the people and industries in particular to know about the facilities on training, testing and research activities in the college’s departments.

Industry Institute Partnership forms an important activity for any academic institute as its stakeholders interact with the real world. Firstly, the students are benefited due to exposure to current industry practices, challenges and needs and update their skills when changes occur in technology, teaching faculty get sensitised to the latest practices leading them to blend practice with usual theoretical teaching methods. 

On successful interaction, Industry may realise that Academia has more to offer by way of solving their short term and long term technical problems, provide a manpower resource pool with good industry orientation and a source for updating the knowledge sets of its personnel.

Under this schemes AICTE will provide funds to the Institution for Setting up of an IIP Cell for better interaction between the Institute and industry, in order to establish a platform for enhancing relationship between the institute and industries, thereby increasing the opportunities for the students for internships, live projects and to acquaint the students beforehand with the demands of the corporate atmosphere.


  • To promote the participation of industry personnel in the development of curricula & high-quality student projects.
  • To provide technical training to lower and middle-level industry personnel in the recent advances in design, manufacturing and management disciplines.
  • To arrange industry visits and industrial training for the faculty and students of our institution.
  • To provide technical consultancy and training to small-scale & rural industries.
  • To take up joint Research & Development projects with the industries

Activities of IIP cell are :

  • To arrange industrial training for students and identify student project work in Industries. To encourage Industry to collaborate in Industry Study Tour Programmes (ISTP) and placement of students in Industries.
  • To interact with R&D Organisations for conducting joint research work involving faculty/scientists and students/research scholars etc.
  • Faculty exchanges – getting professionals from industry as visiting faculty or adjunct professors for short or long periods and deputation of faculty to industry to gain industrial experience and/or  work on projects in industry.
  • Curriculum development- associating experts from industry in   curriculum planning and review.
  • Personality development workshop for students relating with soft skills (communication skills / personality development).
  • Guest lectures by eminent personalities, academics, leading industrialists at regular intervals to update the students knowledge.
  • To arrange technical festivals/open houses/student design competitions.


  • Providing infrastructure to meet the training needs of the industry, like improving communication skills, job analysis, inventory & financial controls, efficient management skills and on up gradation of technical knowledge on current topics.
  • To update the knowledge base (qualification) of professionals in different emerging sectors (Biotechnology, Nanotechnology etc.)
  • To arrange short-term programmes: Duration of 5 to 7 days for the benefit of Professionals in various technical disciplines.
  • In house training programme at the request of industries at their location

Promotion of Income Generating activities namely: Testing, Calibration, Consultancy and R & D (for achieving self sustenance of the Cell with in 3 – 5 years) typically for:

  • Creating facilities for Design, development and improvement of existing practices/processes/concepts.
  • Up gradation & modernization of workshop facilities.
  • Preparation of operators manuals, Audio and visual cassettes and assistance in implementation of BIS & ISO standards through conducting various audit analysis.

Finding solutions of various problems faced by the industry during production and operation of the industrial units.

  • Conducting market surveys and feasibility reports through projects assigned to the students and providing them to the industry for their benefit.
  • Technology transfer in the nearby rural areas.
  • To set up Innovation Centres and Centres of Excellence.
  • Signing MOU with industry and Institutes. Setting up of technology parks in collaboration with alumni and industry for cost effective opportunity for R&D leading to marketable products.
  • Promotion of Home grown technologies, which is expected to strengthen the linkages between research institutes and industry indigenously by commercialization of indigenously developed technologies.
  • Institution of Industry sponsored special chairs/staff positions with all expenses met where reputed persons can be appointed for a fixed period.